RELEASE, WAVIER AND INDEMNIFICATION* I recognize that participating in recreational tennis activities presents some inherent risks to my health and safety, and the use of the club courts requires following Regional, Provincial and/or Federal health directives, best practices or orders.
In consideration of the Grande Prairie Tennis Club accepting my application for membership and/or my program registration I agree to accept these risks and understand that I am personally responsible for managing the health and safety of myself and any minors, dependent adults or guests in my care.
I, for my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, release and forever discharge the Club, its Executives, Directors, successors, agents or employees from any claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of action arising out of or in consequence of any loss, injury or damage to my person or property incurred while attending or using the facilities of the Club for any reason.
I agree to indemnify the Club, its Executives, Directors, successors, agents or employees from any claims or demands which might be made against the Club, its Executives, Directors, agents or employees by others arising out of or in consequence of my actions while attending or using the facilities of the Club.
At their sole discretion, the Club management, its Executives and Board of Directors reserve the right to deny access to the Club to those individuals whose behaviour they deem unsafe or unacceptable.
I, the individual named in this form and the individual’s parent/guardian (if the individual is younger than 18 years old), hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this document.